Firestone idle rpg support codes
Firestone idle rpg support codes

firestone idle rpg support codes

When exactly you prestige depends on a lot of factors - a general rule of thumb is to sit at the farm stage as long as your multiplier is climbing significantly, or the gold you would earn in the next ~2 hours (the time taken to climb back up to your farm stage after prestige) is larger than the total gold earned so far.Other than that prestige when it is convenient for you and you have the time to get back to your farming stage. As a rule of thumb do not prestige unless you gain at least +100% firestones.Best time to use your gold items is when the sum of all your heroes' damage is higher than the wave's HP.

firestone idle rpg support codes

Ignore seals unless they are for a weapon of a hero that you’re using, or they are for wrists, relics or rings.Meaning when you get a higher rarity later on in the game, the enchantment level will carry over to the upgraded equipment. You don’t actually enchant the equipment itself, you enchant the slot.So make all rings level 3, then continue making them all level 4. Level tier 2 and tier 3 equipment equally over many heroes.Enchant wrists and relics 2-4 levels higher than tier 1 equipment. Enchant rings 1-3 levels higher than wrists and relics.Don’t bother with HP or Amor in this game unless you need to progress further in trees or unlock tier 2 and tier 3 equipment.Level if possible first Tier 3 (Ring + Relic) then Tier 2 (Wrist) and than the weapon from Tier 1 but only for your Hero ther is in the Party. It’s a permanent and best investment for your void crystals. Also you gain effect from tier 2 and tier 3 equipment even when you don’t have that hero in your party. They benefit all heroes, making them much better than tier 1 equipment. Your Heroes: Unlock all 3 Tier as early as possible (with meteorites).Save inventory items and scrolls until you are level 30.Raining gold, raining gold and… uhm… more raining gold! It’s all about the gold!.The order is up to you, but Gold should always be one of the first. Tree, Talent)įocus first on: Gold, Battlecry, Prestige, Research Time Reduction (Map, Alchemy, Firestone, Guard training), Damage/All main attributes, Double meteorites and Double beer, Firestone)

firestone idle rpg support codes

  • Whole research (Firesorne, Exotic, Alchemist, Meteorite, Pers.
  • Unlock the second Firestone research slot (library, with meteorites) as soon as possible so that you can always do two researches at the same time.
  • 📢 IMPORTANT!: Activation of the purchase confirmation for jewels!

    Firestone idle rpg support codes